Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Support Our Transvegetables

A radish trapped inside an ear of corn.
These days it is all the rage for Democrats, besides hating Republicans and the NRA and all things Bush, to also hate Monsanto, a corporation that describes itself as "devoted to helping farmers achieve agricultural sustainability," and who doesn't want that? After all, sustainability is the buzzword of the moment; even my new shampoo says right on the label that is is Now Even More Sustainable, causing me to wonder exactly how, but that's for another time. Anyway, my husband works peripherally in the farming industry and thus has met some of the folks over at Monsanto, and says they are not the devils as portrayed by the media. In fact, many if not most of them are earnestly working hard to feed an ever-expanding global population. One way is through genetically modifying foods (GMOs) to make them grow bigger and better, an activity considered by the loony left to be as despicable as Hitler's Final Solution.

The definition of a GMO is "an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques." Organisms that have been genetically modified include micro-organisms such as bacteria and yeast, insects, plants, fish, and mammals. One addition to that list could be Chaz Bono, who was born female and is now male, sort of, I am not sure of all the details, but anyway, if that's not genetic modification I don't know what is. Yet transsexuals are heartily embraced, endorsed, adored and applauded by the very same people who abhor messing with an ear of corn.

It makes you wonder just who sits on the Board of Political Correctness.

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