Monday, May 6, 2013

In Love With Love

Photo by Laurel True
My friend Laurel, who I love, took the photo above and posted it on Facebook. Naturally it was well-received, with many people commenting on its coolness and what a great message it is and how it's a sign, etc. I spoiled the fun by pointing out that some conspiracy theorists believe chem trails to be evidence of government evil and are actually chemicals sprayed to subdue the populous--that's us-- into submission. While I don't really believe that, I do look at them somewhat differently now, and wonder: how come all airplanes don't cause those streaks in the sky?

Whatever. More interesting is how the word love has become the number one expression of affection in our society, applied to anything and everything with equal fervor. Just like certain bad words cannot be spoken, that particular one is uttered about a million times a day by everyone and their mother. I am guilty of this for sure. Following is a list of things I absolutely love:

My son
My husband
Tommy Lee Jones
"Ethan Frome"
Anything written by Edith Wharton
Roasted marshmallows
Michael Jackson's voice
New York City
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Almond butter
The Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle
Helen Mirren in "The Queen"
Landing safely and getting off an airplane
The Staten Island Ferry
Losing weight
Finding typos in the newspaper, or even better, a book
"Inglourious Basterds" 
My true friends
Hot chocolate in winter
"Bonfire of the Vanities"
"White Noise"
Freddie Mercury
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
My hot tub
Anchovy pizza 
The ocean
Word games
Nathan's French fries
Ringo's drum solo on "Carry That Weight"
George Harrison
Taking showers
Reruns of old sitcoms
Karen and Jack on "Will & Grace"
The Young @ Heart chorus
Stewie and Brian on "Family Guy"

So I suppose I feel the same way about my husband as I do about a French fry.

1 comment:

  1. nice list. did you know that making these lists is really good for your health? it is true.
    and did you go see the movie "quartet" yet?


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