Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How Far to Nirvana?

If I could change one thing about myself, besides my height which of course is set in stone, it would be my inclination to become annoyed by everyday things, things that other people seem to let slide. This personality trait is keeping me from reaching nirvana, a place I would really like to reach. For example, I hate when I post a comment under a photo on Facebook, and the next person writes the exact same thing. Example: I write, "Beautiful cake, looks yummy!" The very next person writes, "Looks beautiful and yummy." Then the next person writes, "Beautiful and I bet it's yummy too!" Did nobody read what I just wrote? Or did they, and they liked it so much they wanted to say it too, not understanding that it would be redundant? Had they nothing else to add?

Or this: When I dine out, I am expecting to be served. That's why I went I--I can cook and I have food in the fridge; I went out for somebody to take care of me. So then when I arrive and nobody even looks at me for five minutes, I get pissed off. Hello--a glass of water would be nice. Eye contact would be nice, a "Hello, how are you?" would be nice. I had a friend once--of German descent and believe me that won't happen again--who said one night at dinner out, when I became annoyed by the lack of attention from anyone on the restaurant staff after like 15 minutes, that "We don't do that. We just relax and enjoy the company and the ambiance of the restaurant." Well whoop-de-doo, Hitler gassed all the Jews in Germany, did you relax about that? (Another story I know, and an old one, but one that I still find quite annoying.)

I am not proud of my high annoyance factor. Remember, I started this by saying I would change it, now I am simply explaining it, so stop being so judgmental. Here's another: Our new next door neighbors take out their two industrial-size ugly trash bins for the garbage pickup on Monday morning, then leave them sitting there on the street for days. Like until Wednesday, and once Thursday. Several questions: Don't they need them up at the house, which is at the end of a very long driveway? And where are they putting all their garbage? They must have plenty, what with a kid still in diapers. The mind boggles. Besides, do they not notice that everyone else in the neighborhood takes in their trash bins within hours of pickup and that's why our street is so lovely and bucolic? What goes through their minds?

I also find it annoying when writers try to tie everything up at the end of an article and finish with a zinger. I don't do that.

1 comment:

  1. How tall are you? and what's wrong, you want to be taller?


Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...