Sunday, June 11, 2023

WHO Decides Who's Crazy

Mattel is ready with Wheelchair Barbie.
If you hate your penis and want it gone -- that's fine, and even commendable. Alternatively, you could be at war with your breasts and have them surgically removed and everyone will applaud your self-actualization. 

You may even bombard your body with hormones to stop menstruation or grow hair on your face and chest and there will be flags in your honor. But don't you dare dream about being an amputee or being partially paralyzed, even if that's how you wish you could live, because you'll be seen as insane. 

BIID stands for body integrity identity disorder, a rare condition experienced by people who desire the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or who desire a paralysis. Some of these persons mutilate themselves; others ask surgeons for an amputation, or for the transection of their spinal cord. (These people have in the past also been called "amputee wannabes.")

There are doctors, usually in other countries, who will perform these surgeries for people who desperately want them and claim to be happier afterwards. Today BIID (or BID) is classified as a mental illness -- but so was transgenderism until 2019, when WHO ( World Health Organization) stopped listing it as such.

So go ahead and have your penis removed, or cut off your two healthy breasts and look like a hero, but if you want one less arm or leg or desire to live in a wheelchair in order to feel like your "true self," you're considered nuts. Go figure.

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