Monday, June 19, 2023

Experts Guess Our Next President

This morning I amused myself by reading a dozen or more recent articles written by egotistical "experts" predicting, explaining and placing their bets on who will win the 2024 election. These articles appeared in New York Magazine, The New York Post, on CNN and FOX  websites, in Politico and The Hill online, the New York Times, The Washington Times and more like those. Everyone who wrote an article got paid for it, some quite handsomely I expect. 

If you were to read just one of these articles you might give it some credence, but taken as a whole you can see how ridiculous they all are, despite any individual author's political prowess. Basically, this is what I learned:

Trump will keep his base and win the Republican nomination but lose the general election.

Trump should never be underestimated -- he will win the nomination and win the general election.

Trump will not be the Republican nominee and Biden will win re-election in 2024.

A dark horse will show up late in the game on one side or the other and win the election.

With the exception of Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein, both deceased and so unable to weigh in on this election, "experts" are just regular people who think very highly of themselves. Take, for example, a woman named Elaine Kamarck, the Founding Director for the Center for Effective Public Management. (What?) On this subject Elaine sings her own praises loud and clear, writing for the Brookings Institution, a D.C think tank: 

"A few months ago, I helped create the now conventional wisdom which says that a large field of challengers will help Trump because the Republican winner-take-all or winner-take-most delegate selection rules are tailor made for a candidate who holds a solid base among primary voters and who can wrack up a series of plurality wins."

That's funny, since I thought my husband posited that one during dinner with friends one night, and everyone agreed. (Elaine was not present.) Oh well, she says she helped create it so let her think that, what does it hurt. After all she's in charge of public management, whatever that is.

My new title, self-bestowed, is CEO at Clarifying Ridiculous Accumulated Pablum (CRAP). My first proclamation is: Ignore All Experts. We will discuss this further at the next meeting of Loners Anonymous to be held in my living room and attended by nobody.

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