Thursday, June 15, 2023

What To Do With A Dead Beatle

Back when they were both alive.

Not wanting to write another silly love song, and who could blame him, ex-Beatle Paul McCartney is instead acting the gravedigger through the use of AI, the modern-age technology that threatens to eradicate all that was once good and pure about being alive. He is doing this by using the voice of John Lennon, his former bandmate now dead for 43 years, and applying it to a new song, either with McCartney or without him, it's not yet known. Who knows, he might get Ringo in on it, which would be easy since he is still alive. (George is dead so he is definitely out.)

Lennon's voice was extricated from an old cassette by Hollywood director Peter Jackson during his making of the 2021 documentary, "The Beatles: Get Back." Paul is calling this bit of technological chicanery "the last Beatles record," to be released later this year. Tentative title: "Now and Then," as in now I'm dead and then I was alive.

I wonder who will reap the profits, if any, from the music. Is Yoko in on the deal? And more to the point, why do it at all? As a former Beatlemaniac, I'm appalled. Surely Paul has enough money already.

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