Friday, June 2, 2023

Bluesky: The Latest Non-thing

Have pity for today's younger generations: they know nothing about real life and possibly never will, what with the insidious growth of AI and who knows what's next. All they know about and care about is what goes on inside their silly electronic devices, and Lord have mercy on them all when the power grid fails someday. 

The "latest thing" is a social media site -- as if that's a thing -- called Bluesky, which is the new Twitter founded by former Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey. Everyone wants in, but this one requires special codes to join, which can only be handed out by users of the site. So if you know someone who is "in" you might have a chance. But what does being "in" Bluesky actually mean? It means you can write your little messages of a maximum of 300 characters each to other members. (Whoop-de-do.)

An article in today's Wall Street Journal states: "Stacy King, 52, a children's fantasy writer in  Toronto, said she wanted to join Bluesky after seeing others she knew sign up. 'I was starting to feel a little bit left out.'" And Alex van Possum, a 40-year-old who works in marketing, explained that the benefit of joining early was the ability to snag his preferred username, even if it's not his real name. "At least it'll be something original and not something with a bunch of numbers after it."

The article doesn't mention that Bluesky will not prevent you from getting cancer, assure you of finding love, keep you from having a child with an incurable disease, stop you from committing suicide, help you lose weight, strengthen your heart or clear up your acne, stop baldness, pay your taxes, pick you up at the airport, fix that nagging backache, teach you how to meditate, stop those annoying telemarketer calls, give you an orgasm, prevent debilitating depression or make you a better person in any way. 

Basically, joining Bluesky will do absolutely nothing to improve the quality of your life but will greatly enrich Jack Dorsey's. BTW, an early adopter is Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez, and that says it all.

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