Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Keeping Treat Alive

Treat Williams in "Hair"
This morning I was saddened to learn that actor Treat Williams was killed in an accident yesterday, not far from his Vermont home. His motorcycle was hit by an SUV making a left turn directly into his path. This made me cry, not just for Treat, who at 71 was still a vital and handsome working actor of considerable talent, but for my friend Debra who died similarly last July 22 when her car was struck by a speeding semi as she was making a left turn. 

Cars and trucks kill people every day, that's a fact. These deaths come out of the blue and thus are the most shocking, unlike the long, slow, painful buildup of cancer and chemo and hospitalizations and hospice with other, more ghastly passings. (Face it, there's no good way to die, except maybe in a vet's office in the loving arms of your owner where first you drift off to sleep.)

More than ten months have passed and I still think of Debra every day, so she's not all the way dead -- at least not yet. Thinking about the deceased is the only way to keep them with us. Today I changed my Facebook cover photo to one of Debra that I took a few years ago. She's with me now whenever I look at Facebook!

As for Treat, he's gone but his movies are still available to see on many platforms. A few weeks ago I saw "The Deep End of the Ocean," a real tear-jerker for sure but still a fine example of his outstanding acting ability. Watch a movie starring Treat Williams today and keep him alive. ("Hair" is priceless.)

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