Wednesday, November 25, 2020

How to Stay Healthy This Winter

I am not a dictator, hold no political office and consider myself about as important as a blade of grass, but I truly believe that the press is the enemy of the people, sentiments I share with the likes of Stalin and Mao. And more recently, Donald Trump. Perhaps in days past, the press had as its goal the education of the populace. That is no longer the case. For some time now, surely half my life, the goal has been to increase earnings via increased ratings, which morph into more advertising dollars. 

The Lords of Journalism have rightly discerned that sensationalism is the way to get more sheeple watching TV, reading the newspaper, logging on to the Internet and listening to the radio. They all share the same message:  Everything is a DISASTER! The world is in CHAOS! More people are DYING and the pandemic is SPREADING and you must stay IN YOUR HOME and talk to nobody but LOOK TO US for all you need to know!

Personally I find that staying connected to "the people who know things" quickly depletes my store of Lorazepam. It's not just me; according to reputable sources, "Prescriptions for antidepressants and anti-anxiety and anti-insomnia medications shot up 21% between February and March 2020 alone."

I beg of you guard yourself against this onslaught of negativity. Bake, cook, paint, run, hike, put in a new basement floor, winterize your garden, pet the cat, play with the dog, watch a movie, rearrange all the furniture in your house, read a novel, write a book, learn a language, listen to music, in fact do anything you can think of but for God's sake (and your own), stop ingesting the news. 

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Good Luck Donald!

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