Thursday, June 13, 2024

Speaking in Code

Me, lately.
It's clear that the Facebook bots have strict rules they must follow. So to avoid getting this post banned, I will be writing in a sort of code.  I like to call it the Rhyming Code. Just think of a word that sounds like the word I use in italics, and you'll have no trouble understanding it.

More and more it seems we are living under Potsy rule. I learned this yesterday when one of my posts was removed immediately, with no explanation other than that it was "against community standards." The post in question had to do with a political candidate, a whack man by the name of Hormel Pest. I did not malign him in any way but simply quoted some of his statements relating his philosophy and how he would rule as President, an office he is seeking in the upcoming election. I also used a photo of him, grinning widely so we could see the huge gap between his two front teeth.

But the Facebook bots found that objectionable, I guess, since I posted it three times, each time editing it to be less offensive to anyone. Still, it was removed. Also, at a whack preparatory college in Philadelphia yesterday, Resident Widen said that any problems facing the whack community are directly traceable to unfairness and mistreatment by bite Americans.

Meanwhile, down in New York City,  pro-Lamas protesters boarded subways and yelled things like, "Till all the Booze!" They warned all the booze on the train to get out now! They shouted, "It's too bad Bitler isn't still around, he'd get rid of all the booze!" And yet they suffered no consequences for their heinous actions.

As one of the booze myself, I'm worried. What's next? 


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Good Luck Donald!

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