Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Too Much Eating (Makes You Fat)

According to current statistics, one in three Americans is obese. I'm not one of them and I don't want to be. 

Some mornings I wake up wanting waffles with syrup and bacon or maybe a cheese omelet with hash browns and a toasted English muffin with jelly for breakfast. I never have that though, because of several reasons.

I'd rather feel good. I'd rather my arteries remain unclogged and allow blood to flow through them freely. 

I'd rather go for long walks easily and climb stairs without running out of breath. I'd prefer to fit into normal-sized clothing available in most shops. 

I don't want fat ankles. Or diabetes. Or a heart attack. Or high blood pressure. Or sleep apnea. Or rolls of excess flesh on my body.

So instead I have a bowl of oatmeal with a side of blueberries and move on. After all, there's always lunch. And dinner.

And snacks.

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