Thursday, March 10, 2022

Idiotic Women of Color

"Giggles" Harris
Obviously being black or brown or tan or beige or whatever color you are that makes you a "woman of color" does not preclude you being a moron. Two clear examples are Kamala Harris, a.k.a. Vice President Giggles, and Joy Reid, a.k.a. Angry Racist on TV.

Harris is in Poland, God knows why -- maybe just to get her the hell out of Washington for a few days -- and with a horrific war raging in Ukraine and many people dying, she still does her classic giggle in front of cameras during a press conference with the Polish president. Oh God she is such a loser, and a black woman too! Who knew -- I thought they all walked on water.

Then there's Joy Reid (at right), the worst thing to ever happen to TV and the black race, saying that the coverage of the Ukraine war was over the top because the Ukrainians are white and it would far be less if they were black. Someone should stop her before she undoes all the progress of the entire civil rights movement. 

Both women prove that even if you are a "woman of color," you can still be an idiot. Let's hope the next Supreme Court Justice isn't one of those.

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