Thursday, March 31, 2022

Sick of the Gay Thing

All we can control is our own behavior. Even the parents of very young children can only try and then hope that their stern words and actions will cause bad behaviors to change -- forget about it when the kids are grown. And yet the world is full of people who think they know what's best, and spend their time insisting, cajoling and imploring others to do as they do and think as they think. In many cases they resort to lying in order to make their case.

The woke Democrats do this in spades. The current brouhaha over Florida's Parental Rights Act is a perfect example. Calling it the "Don't Say Gay" bill when the word "gay" does not appear even one time in the seven-page piece of legislation is intentionally misleading. Now some dodos who run FOLX Health, a digital queer and trans telepathy provider, are peppering the landscape with billboards in cities across the South with the message, "Say Gay." What's next -- lawn signs saying "Gay Lives Matter"? (I guess black lives stopped mattering since you hardly see those signs anymore.)

And speaking of dodos, the three female hosts of the recent televised Academy Awards ceremony incorporated that same sentiment in their childish monolog, gleefully singing, "Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay!" in front of an appreciative audience of insanely wealthy gays, drunks and likely a few druggies. 

Well, I'm not gay and I don't care if you are. It means nothing to me, or to anyone else except maybe your mommy and daddy. The fact that men like to play with other men's genitals and women enjoy doing the same to other women impacts my life not at all. So why has it become so important in our society to recognize the people doing those things? And not only recognize them, but congratulate them for their bravery? And what the heck are they so proud of -- is engaging in gay sex some sort of worthy accomplishment?

Despite having several very close gay friends and a few relatives (who thankfully keep their bedroom activities out of my life), I have grown tired of gays and the other sexual mavericks who go by the letters L, B, Q, A and T. Someone should tell them there is more to life than who you fuck, or don't fuck in the case of the ones who feel it necessary to broadcast their asexuality. Like, what do you do for a living? In what way do you contribute to society? What are your interests? Do you have any hobbies? Is there more to you than your genitalia? Let's hear about that for a change.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Florida Passes "Don't Say Straight" Bill

 TV heterosexuals Ward and June Cleaver, with kids. 
Heterosexual teachers in Florida are up in arms over the recent signing by Governor DeSantis of what is being called in some circles the "Don't Say Straight" bill. The controversial legislation restricts conversations about gender and sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade public school classes.

"It's not fair!" said one Orlando kindergarten teacher who asked to remain anonymous. "I like to be able to talk to the children about what my husband and I did over the weekend, and now I can't!" Other teachers echoed her complaint, saying it kept them from describing many common home activities like putting up drywall, laying brick paths, adding a room over the garage and other renovations so important for young kids to know about at an early age.

Another complaint came from male teachers who wished they could describe how sexy their wives look when they come to bed wearing sheer negligees. "These kids are missing out on some important stuff," said one third grade teacher. "How are young boys going to learn what it takes to please a woman, like how they need candy on Valentine's Day and flowers on their birthday?"

It's true that these days straight people get the short end of the stick when it comes to communicating the details of their alternative lifestyles. Kids will have to watch reruns of old TV shows like "MASH,""Leave It to Beaver," "I Love Lucy" and "The Brady Bunch" to understand relationships between men and women. Hopefully their parents will provide these educational tools and have these discussions with them at home.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Film Review: 15 MINUTES OF SHAME

This lively HBOMax documentary produced by Monica Lewinsky, an expert in the subject of being cancelled by the world for little reason, will convince you to never again engage with anyone on the Internet. Presenting shocking stories of people whose lives were completely ruined after their behavior was considered to be abominable by thousands of strangers, it will leave you shaken to your core.

Lewinsky was just 22 when her life became Twitter fodder for fat, ugly basement-dwellers with no lives of their own. Happily, at the age of 48, she has found her calling as a filmmaker and created something positive from her horrendous experience. Along with stories of everyday folks who became Internet pariahs through mistaken interpretations of their actions, there are face-to-face interviews with many experts in the fields of online crime, human psychology and Facebook's evil, inhumane policies.

The scariest part of the film is the history of public shaming dating back centuries, told through an appealing and amusing mix of animated illustrations and old photographs. Apparently hating someone you've never met for reasons or opinions you may know little about is nothing new. However, the facelessness of the Internet makes the merciless haranguing of a stranger much easier and far more damaging.

Watch it and beware.

Monday, March 28, 2022

The "Don't Say Gay" Bill Doesn't

If you wonder why I have often labeled liberals, progressives and Democrats a bunch of dummies, here's why. They all refer to the piece of legislation causing all the ruckus and just signed by Governor DeSantis as the "Don't Say Gay" bill. Here's what it actually says, verbatim:

“Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

Waddy know? The "Don't Say Gay" bill don't even say gay.

Will Smith Makes Me Sick

Taking a page from Scarlett O'Hara's playbook.

I read this morning that actor Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock during the televised Oscar ceremony for making a joke about Smith's bald wife, like that's such a big deal. At least Rock didn't mention Smith's conspiracy theorist son who wears dresses and high-heels. The bald wife is nothing compared to him/her/whatever.

I missed the slap because I did not watch the Oscars. I would have only I had to do the dinner dishes and vacuum all the rugs and change the litter boxes and clean the garage.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Modern Politics for Dinner

DeMillo's On the Water, a bad restaurant inside an old boat.

Last night my husband and I attended a fundraising dinner for a congressional candidate here in Maine. The man, running as a Republican, does not stand a chance against the incumbent millionaire Democrat who, although she sucks, will surely retain her title even after seven terms (14 years).

The cost of the dinner for two was $500. Yikes -- that's enough to feed a family of four for a month! Oh well, said Mitch, anything for the cause, adding that at that price the food will be super. But the food was not super. It was abysmal, as one could expect since the event was held at a huge, tourist-trap restaurant that is actually a giant boat, once a car ferry and now permanently anchored in the Portland Harbor (see photo). So naturally there were water views, which is really no big deal here in Maine since there's water everywhere. 

Served buffet-style, everything that should have been hot was cold and everything that should have been cold was room temperature. You could eat all you wanted of many high-fat choices including cheesy mashed potatoes, shrimp and cheesy grits, cheesy lobster rigatoni, chicken pieces smothered in Havarti cheese, limp broccoli swimming in butter and scallops downright drowned in cheese sauce. The salad option was a gigantic bowl of lettuce with a smaller bowl next to it of crumbled feta cheese and another of Mandarin orange sections. Dessert was a selection of tiny, cheesy cannolis, some with chocolate chips on top. And coffee, thank God. Despite the high price of entry to the event there was a cash bar with beer for $10 and liquor drinks costing more.

The candidate spoke for about half an hour and said absolutely nothing of value, injecting phrases like "We can do this!" and "Now is the time!" repeatedly. He urged all of us -- now officially his "team" -- to get out there and knock on doors. During the question-answer period I asked him a question which he did not answer, not even a little, alerting me to the fact that he would fit right in with most of the other politicians in Congress. (Too bad he won't get the chance.)

Driving home I chewed two Pepto-Bismol tablets and felt sorry for the guy, and for myself.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Fat People Trump Ketanji

In my own little blogosphere, titles mean everything. I have come to the conclusion that people click on the title that is most compelling, and for all I know they don't even bother to read the post. Since 2007 this blog has appeared under one name or another, and I have been able to analyze the reading habits of a small group of people. My sampling makes it clear: if the word "fat" it in the title, it gets the most attention. 

After that, any mention of Donald Trump gets readers. And much to my surprise, almost nobody cared about my recent post concerning Ketanji Brown Jackson, the African American woman (whatever that means) currently up for a SCOTUS appointment.

Just a small but telling look at what Americans care about: being fat, getting fat, and getting fatter. I guess if I wrote a title implying that Donald Trump got really fat I'd score a lot of readers. Maybe next time.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Poor Ketanji Brown

The current person under scrutiny for the next appointment to the Supreme Court is a woman named Ketanji Brown. It is noteworthy that she would be the first African American woman to sit on the bench.

Others of her gender have served and are currently serving on the Court. Sandra Day O'Connor was the first woman to hold the prestigious position. And of course there was Saint Ginsberg, a woman, who passed away not long ago. Currently there are three women on the Court.

The funny thing is, I can tell immediately a woman from a man even if they are both fully clothed and I only can see their heads, and I am not a jurist, I am not a biologist, I am an artist and artists are known to be zany, nutty and sometimes hearing voices. Yet Ketanji Brown, a woman herself, cannot give a definition of a woman, the reason being that she lacks a degree in science. 

The poor girl needs our help. Hey Ketanji, here's a hint: Study the illustration shown above, then strip down, grab a mirror and look between your legs.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Waiting for the Wabanaki

This morning my son, who sadly is knee-deep in such things as this, alerted me to something I find to be quite disturbing, very alarming, and a huge crock of bullshit. It's called the Landback Movement. It supposedly has a long legacy (even though I never heard of it before today) of "organizing and sacrifice to get indigenous lands back into indigenous hands."

My husband and I moved to Maine 13 years ago this month. We bought a house on three acres of land, or maybe it's two -- I'm not sure since most of it is covered with woods and giant boulders, so it's not like we're actually using the entire property. 

We purchased the house from a couple named Mr. and Mrs. Tate and hired an agent of Keller-Williams Realty to facilitate the deal. Not once did anyone say we were colonizers! Nevertheless I learned just today that we suck because we have usurped land that once belonged to the Wabanaki Indians, or people like them. (There is some dispute as to which particular tribe actually owned our neighborhood.) 

According to the Landback people, the right thing to do is to return our land back and go back to whence we came. All I can say about this is "Fat chance!" We moved here from Washington, D.C. but I think they mean we should go back to our ancestral home, which for Mitch and me would be Poland and Russia. 

Seriously, I am not going to Poland or Russia at this time -- can you blame me? And honestly, you couldn't pay me to spend even an afternoon in D.C. these days. So I guess if any of those Wabanakis want my land they'll have to come and get it. I'll be in my studio, painting.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Ron DeSantis, Mensch

Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida, is unique in many ways for a politician. First and most obvious, he tells the truth and speaks his mind, not soaring gibberish written by speechwriters like Obama loved to spout.  His recent declaration making the female swimmer who came in second after the transgender male walked off with the NCAA trophy and all the glory the true winner is commendable.

That very act likely pisses off the Democrats, who despise DeSantis for his honest and down to earth qualities. Soaring rhetoric, a.k.a.bullshit, is very popular with the Dems. 

Do me a favor. Just listen to Ron the next time he speaks somewhere. You'll see what I mean.

Come and Get Us, China

When I graduated from New York University in 1969, I felt proud. I also felt smarter, having studied hard and learned so much about a wide variety of subjects. Although I was a fine arts major with an emphasis on painting, I still was required to take many non-art courses to earn my degree. I had to read all the works of Shakespeare. I studied World Wars I and II. And I was forced to choose what was then called an elective: either physics or chemistry.

NYU has changed a lot since then, as has the student body. Now a popular class offered is called "Taylor Swift." It's hard to get into it since just about every student goes for it. Participants of the weekly two and a half hour class study not only the young singer's music but also her personal life. Like her feud with rapper Kanye West (who knew?) and who was the mystery man in her song about a scarf he had given her, or maybe it was her scarf that he kept or some such rot, I don't know her music or her dating history. (It's rumored to be Jake Gyllenhaal, but if I had taken that class I would know for sure and have a lot more self-confidence.)

Similar classes at NYU focus on Aretha Franklin, James Brown and Nirvana. I weep every day for the citizens of Ukraine. But I also weep for our perpetually misguided and deeply dumb  younger generations who emerge from their coddled four (or five or six)-year educations knowing little more than they did when they started. The Chinese should just come and get us right now -- we're easy pickins.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Taking A Look Inside

I have to undergo an MRI to find out what's going on inside my knee since my knee can't talk and tell me and none of the doctors I have gone to have any idea. So today they called from the radiology place to schedule my appointment and to ask me some questions to make sure I can have the procedure without dying. The questions took a lot longer than I was told ("Just a few questions"), and some of them were completely incomprehensible to me. They follow.

The usual Covid stuff: Have you had a fever, a sore throat, loss of taste or smell, blah blah blah?

Do you have a pacemaker?

Do you have any wires in your ears?

Do you have a pessary? (I have no idea what that is so I said no.)

Do you have any artificial limbs?

Do you have breast implants?

Do you have any body piercing or tattoos?

Have you ever had surgery on your eyes?

Do you have any facial implants?

Do you hear voices in your head? If so, in what language?

Do you have metal implants in your body?

Have you had cancer or diabetes, now or ever before?

Are you claustrophobic?

Have you ever laughed during a movie starring The Three Stooges?

How well do you tolerate loud noises?

Can you understand why anyone likes Morgan Freeman?

Do you believe the Russians will nuke us all?

Can you believe that Joe Biden is president?

Why do Dems hate Clarence Thomas despite his being black?

Who's watching Anderson Cooper's pet children while he is in Ukraine?

How did Don Lemon ever get hired?

Artists Eat Too

Football players make a fortune. So do baseball players, hockey players, and tennis players, and boxers and wrestlers and even boring golfers. They get megabucks to play games that people -- that means you --watch. After the game is over, you have nothing. There is no "thing" you take home with you. You saw the game and that's that. Yet you, and millions of other people, think nothing about paying for the privilege of "watching." Apparently the skill of the players is so thrilling that it's worth paying just to see it.

Now let's talk about art. People hang pictures on the walls of their homes to make them look pretty. For the more sophisticated among us, art means more than just decoration. They find paintings and drawings enriching in ways that defy description. But for some reason, most people are unwilling to pay for art in the same way they will pay for watching a sporting event. 

As an artist, I spend a lot on paints, canvas, brushes and other materials related to making a professional final product. Yet people, friends included, think nothing of asking if they can have one free of charge. I have only one friend who has consistently offered to pay for my work, which I have happily granted her at a reduced rate. (Thank you Jay!) Otherwise people say how much they love my paintings and could I have that one please?

I recently spoke to another artist friend who is busy making a painting, at no cost, for one of her friends who told her, "I don't have any of your paintings!" It's a large one, so the canvas will likely cost between $25 and $40. And the oil paints, her current chosen medium,  could really add up: some small tubes of oil paint go for $15 or $20, with larger ones reaching $40.

Imagine calling up your doctor or dentist friend and asking them to "take a look at this problem I'm having" for free. Even your girlfriend who cuts hair or does nails for a living will charge you. So what about us artists? We eat too, you know. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Fatter Americans

Runway model during Fashion Week in NYC.
To satisfy the fast food and snack food industries, the ice cream vendors and pizza sellers, and the diet industry which expands every year (no pun intended), we all keep stuffing our faces with foods that are bad for us. The result is that the average American today is much fatter than back in 1960. Both men and women are about 30 pounds heavier now than their historic counterparts. 

Being old enough to remember when most people looked a lot better, I am startled to see so many overweight models in print ads and on TV and chubby mannequins in store windows. Worst of all, the condition of being fat -- and it is a condition -- is somehow considered to be okay. Clearly it is not okay when children as young as eleven years old develop diabetes due to being overweight.

Oddly, the "woke" view of our growing national girth is a positive one, with younger generations actually applauding it. Do they mean it or are they afraid to disagree for fear they will be cancelled? At my age I'm not worried about getting cancelled by anyone but God. And really, I'd rather be thin all by myself than fat in a crowd.


If you're looking for evidence of China's workforce superiority, the 2019 Netflix documentary American Factory delivers. The true story of how a long-defunct General Motors plant in Dayton, Ohio was revitalized by a billionaire Chinese investor to become another plant for the Fuyoa Glass Company is compelling, intense and more than a little scary. The bottom line: The Chinese people have it all over us.

Fuyoa's CEO has high hopes of making millions in America, sending Chinese workers to Ohio for a two-year stint working alongside the locals eager for employment since the closure of GM left many families in poverty. At first it seems like a promising venture full of hope and excitement, but the two cultures soon clash and things go downhill fast, with profits not forthcoming.

The Chinese workers are dedicated to their task.

The true stars of this film are the stunning, colorful photography of a gleaming state-of-the-art modern factory and a fascinating look at the process of making automobile windshields and windows from sand. Besides that, there are the different personalities of the people working there, some of whom we meet and spend a bit of time with. 

The working-class Americans barely eking out a living are mostly bitter about their low wages and uppity Chinese bosses who "control everything." The Chinese workers are surprised by the low quality work ethic of the Americans, who seem lazy and uninspired in comparison to them.  As one six-days-a-week Chinese worker says, "The point of life is to work, right?" But the Americans feel differently, caring little about what they do while seeking more days off, longer breaks, a better lunchroom facility and higher wages.

A fierce battle over whether or not to unionize the shop divides the company and adds to the tension. You'll have to watch it to find out who wins, but it's two hours very well spent that will fly by. You'll come away a lot smarter and with an understanding that the Chinese have much to teach us about how to live. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

The Rise of the Losers

Rachel Levine
These days it's great to be a man in America, and especially if you're a loser. Turns out that male losers can morph into winners in our society. Taking it from the top, our current president Joe Biden graduated 76th in a class of 85 students in law school. Not only that, but he lied about it for years, saying while campaigning for the Senate that he finished in the top half of his class. What a total loser! But no more; now he's a winner, with his own private airplane, tons of money and lots of personal bodyguards! 

Lia Thomas
Average or even below average men who are losers at a particular sport can just pop some pills and declare themselves women, then compete with the ladies and beat them all because of their innate greater strength. Presto chango, suddenly they are winners! This just happened to swimmer Lia Thomas, a man pretending to be a woman at the University of Pennsylvania who became the first "transgender" athlete to win an NCAA Division 1 title in the Women's 500-yard Freestyle event last night. (She/he/it formerly swam on the men's team but was a loser.)

Perhaps the best loser to winner story is that of U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, who has just been honored by USA TODAY as one of America's "Women of the Year." This is quite something since Rachel is a man, as you can plainly see in the photograph at the the top of this post. Yes, we call them transgenders, and I don't know the details of what's inside his/her underwear, but I will say that the "transition" is a lot less convincing than my last Halloween costume when I went as a cat.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Wicked Witches Abound

People suck. That's all there is to it. You can't say they don't. Yesterday Vladimir Putin had his armies deliberately bomb a building where children were taking shelter in Ukraine. The building had the word "Children" scrawled all over the outside of it. Still, the Russians dropped their bombs. Vladimir Putin is a person, like you and me, and he did that.

Certainly most average people do not rise to Putin's level of evil, but many ordinary folks come damn close. Years ago my sister-in-law, who I had been showering with expensive gifts for her and her three kids for at least 20 years each Christmas and birthday, presented me with a little $1.49 book called "The Book of Insults" for Christmas. That did it for me; I was done with her and I have not missed her for a minute. In fact, my life has vastly improved from the day I stopped having her be a part of it.

Then there are strangers who say terrible things to you online, even though they know nothing about you and your personal struggles. One of those is a woman named Sharon Larimore of Amarillo, Texas. I don't know her but today she commented on a negative movie review I had posted online, "Trash blog."

I'm guessing Sharon did not agree with my review. She must have liked that movie. That's the only thing I can think of, since we don't know each other. She has no idea that I wake up each morning battling pain  that has been with me since October and which still defies diagnosis. (An upcoming MRI might reveal the answer.) For all Sharon knows I have terminal cancer or MLS or any number of horrible things going on. I may have recently lost a child to a drug overdose. Maybe my husband was recently killed in a car accident, or I lost my beloved Corgi to liver disease and had to put him down the day before I wrote that movie review. Sharon doesn't know! Yet she chose to write something so nasty and for no reason. Why? What's the payoff from insulting strangers? Does it feel good?

No wonder wars keep happening. People are inherently jealous, mean and power-hungry. Does Sharon feel better after writing that my movie review is "trash"? How could that possibly help her in any way. Anyway, thanks a lot Sharon Larimore of Amarillo, Texas for starting this brand new day off on a very sour note for me. I wish I could drop a house on you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Diversity Is Overrated

Fun in the sun in The Villages.

Several weeks ago the New York Times Magazine featured a story about The Villages, America's largest retirement community. I only glanced at it since I had little interest in the subject, having seen a documentary about it not long ago. This week's Review section of the Times carried letters from readers pertaining to that story. I read those with great interest, as I am always wondering who reads that paper. (Not me, I only do the Sunday crossword puzzle.)

I was not surprised to learn that the readers of that slanted liberal rag are (mostly) a bunch of parroting, small-minded boobs. The overriding comment about the article, and complaint about the Villages, was that it is comprised of mostly white Christians. Located in Florida, the land of the retiree, readers were outraged that so many people would choose to live in a place lacking diversity.

What's that? Old folks looking to spend their remaining years pleasantly in a peaceful community without any crime? No looting? No gay protests, police brutality, carjackings, rapes, stabbings or break-ins? No violent drug trafficking or drive-by shootings? Just beautiful days spent playing golf and taking dance lessons and exercising and enjoying sunlight cruises? Having drinks on the hot-tub deck with like-minded friends? How dare they? Obviously they are all worthless pieces of crap, at least according to the authors of the printed letters. 

I lived in Washington, D.C. for 30 years and experienced diversity up to my eyeballs. Sure, there were interesting people, exciting theater, great restaurants and a vibrant night life. But I walked my dog around the block every night carrying a baseball bat. (Me, not the dog.) We had a security system in our home. I locked my door when I rolled the trash bins down the driveway to the street. I had two cars stolen, several friends murdered, a couple raped, was mugged, robbed and barely slept at night. 

Now I live in Maine with its shameful "lack of diversity" and I've slept like a baby for more than a dozen years. To all those aging baby boomers living it up in The Villages, I say "Rock on!"

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Look Who's Teaching Our Kids!

At a NY elementary school, the teacher wore a mask (??) while students did not.

The photo above is truly chilling. While New York City permitted all students to unmask themselves last week, some teachers opted to stay masked. The woman above did so-- or did she? Does she not understand, after two years of mask-wearing, that it must cover both the NOSE and the MOUTH to be most effective, or ineffective according to some people?

God knows what other bad information this teacher has imparted. Two and two is six? George Washington discovered Utah? All Republicans are evil? Or is she simply discussing their gender preferences? I'm guessing her pronouns are he/his.


Monday, March 14, 2022

Even West Point Isn't West Point Anymore

What's left to believe in these days? Very little. Underscoring this sad truth is the unhappy overdose party of six West Point cadets on spring break in Florida who ingested cocaine laced with fentanyl a few days ago. Obviously none of them were thinking of the Cadet Creed:

"As a future officer, I am committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country. I am an aspiring member of the Army profession, dedicated to serve and earn the trust of the American People. It is my duty to maintain the honor of the Corps."

While they all survived, albeit with two in critical condition on ventilators, the damage is done. If this is what West Pointers  are up to (who knew they even went on Spring Break?), we can expect little more from the poor schlumps who barely graduate from high school or manage to get their degrees from  mediocre, non-creed schools like the University of Delaware.*

Basically, as China and Russia canoodle and discuss how to rule the world, we in America are on our own. I say order prepper food, which I did first thing this morning. With a 25-year shelf life, I'm betting my son will appreciate it sometime in his life, perhaps after I'm long gone. It's the least a mother can do.

*Joe Biden's alma mater.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Dummy Democrats

It's hard to know just how dumb the Dems are, but there are clues. Realizing that their current slogan "Build Back Better" is not working for them since Biden has not built anything back or made anything better or in fact built anything at all, at recent meeting of party bigwigs desperate to save their sinking ship Nancy Pelosi suggested  the slogan "Democrats Deliver." But wait -- the whole problem with the first one is that they haven't delivered anything!

Apparently Nancy likes pithy slogans that do well as bumper stickers. Here are a few suggestions she might consider:


Hot Sauce for All!

We're Not Trump😃

Don't Worry: Kamala's Going Away

We'll Protect You!


Saturday, March 12, 2022

Don't Say Nose Picker

A group of kindergartners enjoying story time.

The bill currently being discussed in Florida regarding the teaching of sexual orientation in public schools has absolutely nothing to do with banning the word "gay." Yet frenzied Democrats -- is there any other kind? -- are plotzing over it, and have nicknamed it the "Don''t Say Gay" bill. This is ridiculous --  not quite but almost as ridiculous as Joe Biden choosing Kamala Harris to be Vice President. (Nothing could top that.) 

Along with some other things unrelated to this topic, the seven-page Florida bill states: "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate." 

Come on, people -- do we really need kindergartners to be talking about their sexual orientation? Have you ever met a child that young who A, gives a shit about it or B, even knows what it is? Instead teachers should be explaining to these youngsters that it is inappropriate to pick one's nose and then eat the contents found therein. Now that's a bipartisan bill we can all support, although Democrats would likely complain that it's unfair to nose pickers who are in a protected class all by themselves, or at least should be.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Kamala Harris Still Stupid

“So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.” 

My post yesterday claimed that Kamala Harris is an idiot. Naturally there was pushback from other idiots who thought I was wrong to point that out. One of her supporters offered the original thought, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

I'm sticking to my story and present as evidence her statement (shown above in boldface) explaining  the Ukraine war to the listeners of a popular radio broadcast, when asked by the host to do so.

I rest my case.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Idiotic Women of Color

"Giggles" Harris
Obviously being black or brown or tan or beige or whatever color you are that makes you a "woman of color" does not preclude you being a moron. Two clear examples are Kamala Harris, a.k.a. Vice President Giggles, and Joy Reid, a.k.a. Angry Racist on TV.

Harris is in Poland, God knows why -- maybe just to get her the hell out of Washington for a few days -- and with a horrific war raging in Ukraine and many people dying, she still does her classic giggle in front of cameras during a press conference with the Polish president. Oh God she is such a loser, and a black woman too! Who knew -- I thought they all walked on water.

Then there's Joy Reid (at right), the worst thing to ever happen to TV and the black race, saying that the coverage of the Ukraine war was over the top because the Ukrainians are white and it would far be less if they were black. Someone should stop her before she undoes all the progress of the entire civil rights movement. 

Both women prove that even if you are a "woman of color," you can still be an idiot. Let's hope the next Supreme Court Justice isn't one of those.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Lock Up the Doofuses

How low can we go in debasing Man's Best Friend?

While Western propaganda may be exaggerating things, Russia certainly seems to be a bad place where freedoms are greatly hampered, if not altogether banished, under the evil Putin. The latest reports are that any Russian citizen who openly calls the current Ukraine conflagration a "war" could (and likely will) be imprisoned for 15 years. That's rough, considering it is a war and one is punished for speaking truth.

Here in America things are much better. You usually only go to jail for committing heinous crimes or lying under oath, although errors are made and stories abound of people who have served long prison sentences before being found innocent of all charges. But perhaps we are too lenient in this country. I can think of several crimes against humanity that are completely permissible that should instead send the perpetrators to prison for a while until they come to their senses. The most egregious of these follow:

Anyone referring to a growing fetus (which will eventually become a new human being) a "baby bump" and posting naked pictures of said bump online. No wonder so many women have abortions with such ease; after all, it's just smoothing out a bump.

Fat celebrities posting nude and/or topless photos of themselves on Instagram and Twitter, claiming to be proud of their self-described "curvy" bodies. Curvy is one thing; fat is fat and it ain't pretty.

Pet owners who take their dogs everywhere, transporting them in baskets, backpacks or even full-flown baby strollers. The pathetic pooches show up in restaurants, on airplanes, in hotels and of course stuck inside parked cars, sometimes for hours, their frenzied barks from inside their prisons -- frigid in winter and stifling hot in summer -- filling the air.

Married or otherwise allegedly loving couples sitting across from one another in restaurants, scrolling through their cell phones for the entire meal, even after the food has arrived. Shame on them!

Life could be a dream, at least in this country, if only there weren't so many doofuses at large.

Friday, March 4, 2022

World Obesity Day, No Kidding!

My mind is blown, but I will try to carry on. Today's issue of USA Today carries a full page ad, half of which is shown above, asking editors around the world to stop using the word "obese." The writers of this ad (all likely ginormous themselves) claim that obesity is a chronic disease and not the fault of the fatty, I mean whale, I mean obese person. They can't help it! It's a chronic illness!

Well I'd like to know -- is it contagious? Because if it is I will wear a mask forever, or do anything necessary not to catch it. And if it is a disease, how come some people get it after they lived for many years as a thin person? Like Dan Akroyd and Chevy Chase and Kathleen Turner and Hillary Clinton and Jack Nicholson and especially Elizabeth Taylor, now dead but once thin and then really fat. Is it brought on by age or by too many potato chips, French fries, ice cream sundaes and stuff like that? Do those "living with obesity" suddenly develop an overwhelming craving to eat crap?

And by the way, I would like to ask everyone, especially editors of all newspapers and magazines, to stop using the word "old" as it is demeaning and no fault of the targeted person or persons. They are simply "living with additional years." It's not their fault!

Really, let's eliminate age bias as there are many, many people "living with advanced years" despite all their attempts to stay young. I am sick of being defined by my birth year. At least fat people, I mean those living with obesity, can alter their miserable condition by laying off the garbage foods. Being old is irreversible and thus deserves our sympathy -- not to mention respect -- much more.

Oh yeah, Happy World Obesity Day! Go out and celebrate.

Something Worse Than Elon

Those foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Muskers are apoplectic over Elon fine-tooth-combing the IRS for fraud, waste and abuse. Led by raging Senato...