Saturday, February 2, 2019

Welcome to Nazi Germany

Joe Biden, last Halloween?
In case you think we live in a free country, think again. Or better yet, just to be safe don't think at all, since whatever freedoms we still have, thinking is not among them. Nor are childish pranks, or any pranks, or anything resembling something that can be seen under a harsh light as disrespectful to any protected group, which includes just about everyone except Caucasians who these days have no protection at all and are in fact deemed "deplorable" by many of our leading politicians.

This time it's not a MAGA-hat-wearing cracker from down in the holler who's in trouble, it's a sophisticated and learned (white) Democrat: Ralph Northam, the Governor of Virginia. It seems that someone with an axe to grind and time on their hands unearthed a yearbook photo from 34 years ago of Northam, who is now 59, a pediatric neurologist, Army veteran and graduate of Norfolk Medical School, that can be construed as racist.

Despite the man's sterling accomplishments since then, many of the bozos running for president in 2020, with Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren leading the chorus, are calling for him to resign. And Joe Biden, a former plagiarist who has since found religion, said the Governor has "lost the moral high ground." This is from someone who called it ''a mistake in his youth" when he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school. Mr. Biden insisted that he had done nothing ''malevolent,'' that he had simply misunderstood the need to cite sources carefully.

I wonder when the Dems will start rounding people up for thinking differently or having behaved badly -- decades ago! Who knows, they might even start shooting us in the streets. As the Police Captain on Hill Street Blues used to say to his men before each work day, "You be careful out there."

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