Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Christine Blasey Ford Redux

Despite the fact that today I could walk down the streets of Freeport naked and get little attention (except that it's eighteen degrees outside so my stamina might impress a few people), in my younger days I got more than my share of attention from men. This included numerous boyfriends, another husband, and plenty of unsolicited and unwanted sexual advances in the workplace from every boss I ever had and a succession of nerds, dorks, dweebs, cads and the occasional hunk.

Included among all that unwanted attention were countless ass-grabs and impromptu hugs at office Christmas parties and more than a few surprise kisses in the Xerox room. Sometimes I was grossed out, other times merely pissed off, yet never was I traumatized. Nor did I ever relive the moment where the creepy guy's face came closer and closer. I also didn't cry about it, although I did warn other women to be wary of so-and-so.

Which brings me to the ridiculous "performance" I saw last night on the soap-opera channel MSNBC, wherein a former Trump campaign worker, a box of tissues at the ready, accused the then-candidate of "forcibly" kissing her on the side of the mouth. OY! She cried real tears as she remembered the horror -- three years old by now -- of realizing he was going to do it! OMG!

The woman's story is absurd, mostly because:
1. Who the hell remembers a half-kiss from some guy you worked for three years ago?
2. Why would Trump kiss her, a black woman, if he is such a racist and she is not at all attractive?
3. Why would someone take a low-paying campaign job that required traveling for six months with Trump, leaving her family and "babies" at home, for a candidate she never, ever thought had a chance of winning, her explanation for not coming out with her story at the time?
4. Why would she then apply for a job in the Trump White House after he had allegedly "violated" her?
5. What kind of publicity-whore hires a lawyer and goes on TV now because a famous guy she worked for three years ago almost kissed her, sort of?

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Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...