Friday, February 8, 2019

Ask Your Doctor About AOC Anxiety

That new Congressgirl, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, called AOC like some rock star by her fans, is all the rage with the Democrats. This is in part because she is ethnic, which is quite in these days. Anyone considered to be a minority gets extra points. (Just ask Sen. Elizabeth Warren.) The fact that Alexandria was a bartender in Queens just before she became the darling of the progressives seems to trouble nobody, a clear sign of the coming apocalypse. You may worry about climate change all you want; I'm worried about the invading army of inexperienced, pie-in-the-sky lawmakers infiltrating the hallowed halls of Congress.

Alex-- let's call her that for simplicity -- advocates the end of air travel, replacing it with "high-speed trains crisscrossing the country." (So much for getting anywhere in a hurry.) No word on what she thinks makes trains run -- possibly wind power since she proposes about a million-billion wind turbines be built to end that nasty pollution caused by cars, buses, trucks, etc. She seems not to know that every windmill causes death to a multitude of birds, bats and fish. And that they have to be shut down during winter because ice forming on the blades can fly off and do severe damage. And the noise they generate drives the people living nearby crazy with a new mental disturbance called Wind Turbine Anxiety. While not as bad as AOC Anxiety which causes creeping paranoia, sleepless nights and unexplained itching, still it impacts lives. Expect to see a drug commercial for it on TV soon.

Alex also suggests that we "upgrade or replace every building in the US." When asked where the money for this enormous undertaking will come from, she said pertly,  "We can just print more money. We do it all the time." She also wants to institute "meatless Mondays" so cows will fart less, since cow farts hurt the atmosphere. And during a TV interview I heard her say that she is very focused on empowering women, working on "everything from equality in pay to paycheck fairness."  Aren't those two the same?

Uh-oh -- I feel itchy.

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