Sunday, February 10, 2019

Black History Month of Guilt

To the Editor:

I read with compassion your article bemoaning the fact that Black History Month is in February, the shortest month. (Times Sunday Review, Feb. 10, "A Normal Way to Celebrate Black History Month") The author is right: It's just not fair! Imagine what could be accomplished in three more days if only it were in January.

Living in Maine, which is tied with Vermont for being the whitest state, I deal with white guilt all the time. (Of course I'm Jewish, so what else is new?) Thus I go the extra mile to do what I can.

Since I always take my coffee black, I quietly celebrate the color all year long. And believe me, I give my husband a hard time for putting cream in his, imploring him to forego it during this special month. I also wear my black bathing suit all of February, pushing aside the one with the red floral print that fits better and the other one with yellow dots that I far prefer. I figure it's the least I can do. That, and re-read "Black Like Me."

Lastly, your author would be cheered to know that I work out in black Nike sneakers all year long! In fact, I don't even own a pair of white sneakers.  Now if I could just find some black people to invite over for dinner I'd be all set.

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