Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Dumb Computers

Computers think they are so great. They think they'll take over the world someday and make all of us work for them. Guess what: Not gonna happen.

I know this because mine, one of those pricey Apple laptops, is really stupid. For example, yesterday afternoon I searched online for a black scarf to replace the one I lost a few weeks ago. I looked at maybe five or six different websites until I found a scarf that seemed acceptable. Then I ordered it. It should arrive within a week. Problem solved.

So today my computer is sending me tons of ads for black scarves. That's all I see, no matter where I go online. Ads for black scarves. It has no idea that I don't need one anymore. That I'm all set. I had a problem and I took care of it. I did not need to make an appointment at the Genius Bar. That's where being human beats being a machine.

Dumb computers. They will never take over. Then again, nobody thought Trump would win.

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