Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Sunday Funnies

At least Dennis the Menace is supposed to be funny.
The first section aside, today's New York Times is, as always, a laugh riot full of silliness with which to while away your Sunday.

A feature story with a large color photo of Lorena Bobbitt discusses how nice a lady she is now, small and demure, despite the fact that years ago she rose to fame for cutting off her sleeping husband's penis, then ran out and tossed the bloody member into a nearby abandoned lot full of rocks and dirt. She did some jail time, but now must be forgiven because, after all, #MeToo. Her husband, John Bobbitt, raped her -- no wonder she went all Grey's Anatomy on him. (Just kidding. I could no sooner cut off someone's body part than murder my only child. It's this damn respect for human life that ties my hands.)

Another article dissects the rise and fall of an "Instagram influencer" who, at age 27 declared herself an expert on creativity. She advertised seminars in several cities costing $165.00 that promised to divulge the secrets of finding "true creative fulfillment," but ultimately she was a no-show, leaving her 830,000 followers out of luck, short on cash and left to their own devices. All I can say about that is, "Hahahahahahahaha!" Anyone who thinks anyone else, especially at age 27, knows how to unlock another person's creativity deserves to be fleeced.

I stopped reading after the one about how our wealthiest citizens should fix the dwindling ski business because global warming is making less snow and rich people like to ski. Honestly, those editors crack me up.

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