Monday, January 29, 2018

Yoga On A Plane

So maybe by now you have heard about the woman who was doing yoga in the aisle on an airplane. A few of the passengers recorded her antics on their cell phones and posted the results on YouTube, and of course she went viral and made the news. I found the story sad and depressing.

Yes, I know, getting up and walking around once an hour on a long flight is highly recommended by physicians, and common sense, to avoid getting a blood clot or just incredibly stiff and sore. We all agree it's a good idea. But doing your yoga stretches is another order of magnitude altogether, one that reeks of mental instability. At the very least it's a desperate cry for attention, which of course is never an indication of anything good.

There's one of "those people" at the gym where I work out twice a week. We seem to be on the same schedule so I see him quite often. He's in his early sixties, with white dreadlocks halfway down his back that are usually braided. He's also got a very long white beard like Methuselah, and wears outlandish outfits consisting of pink patterned tights and purple spandex shorts, etc. I see him and I always wonder what went wrong, and when.

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