Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Creepy, Creeping Anti-Semitism

I am stunned and sickened by the flood of anti-Semitic comments that are permitted to exist online. A recent tragedy brought this to light, as I've been living under a rock and thus had no idea what's been going on out there. I've always assumed that people who abhor me do so for my own abhorrent qualities, but now I'm thinking it might be because I'm a Jew.

The aforementioned tragedy involved  a family of five vacationing in Costa Rica over the Christmas holidays. The Steinbergs of Scarsdale, NY all died when the small plane they rented for an excursion crashed and burned. Also aboard was another Jewish family of four who perished. Two sets of parents and five teenagers all set off an exciting adventure together, only to die.

It was absolutely heartbreaking. I read the story on Huffington Post through my tears, but the comments that followed it were even more heartbreaking than the plane crash. They went on and on, far more than I could stomach reading: It was lucky that so many Jews died without anyone even having to fire up a gas chamber, and how their "shekels" didn't get them very much after all, and how it would be an example of white privilege except Jews aren't white or even human, and Hitler should have finished the job. Several common slurs for Jews appeared repeatedly.

I imagined what would happen if instead of white Jews, a black family of five had perished. Would it be permissible to say good riddance to all the jigaboos, that's great, now there's five less monkeys to feed at the zoo, it shows those stupid niggers right? I am guessing not, and that a firestorm of protests would ensue, yet the ultra-ultra-liberal Huffington Post apparently sees nothing wrong in allowing this insulting debasement of Jews to remain on its website.

Clearly intense hatred for Jews still exists among those fat and pasty dumb-ass, trailer-park-trash morons who eat Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast and take their coffee with four creams and five sugars, their ankles swollen as they schlep around Disneyland in their cheap, slogan-covered t-shirts and rubber flip-flops, all the while inhaling cotton candy and funnel cakes and hating with all their ugly, plaque-laden hearts the mentally superior, artistic, creative and financially successful Jews they see as their oppressors.

But is it confined to that group only? I doubt it, especially since I have known a few hard-core anti-Semites, wealthy and well-educated, who pose as bleeding-heart liberals in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., their hearts aglow with a burning hatred for "those" Jews, you know, "the bad kind" who are so "loud and pushy and cheap." Take a look in the mirror: are you one of them?

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