Thursday, October 18, 2012

What To Do With All That Money...Instead

Here's an idea that could change the face of politics forever, and I offer it to the world free of charge: You know how politicians are always so busy raising money for their campaigns? These fundraising schemes range from celebrity dinners costing $25,000 a head to nickel and diming the little people via email and snail mail. Just the other day I got a "letter" from Mitt Romney himself, thanking me for my support and by the way could I send in a little something more to help him. I thought, how odd that a million-billionaire is asking for a donation to his winning the presidency by giving my money to advertising agencies in New York City and LA who will use it to create ads discrediting his opponent. Naturally this is a two-way street, and Obama is asking the same of his supporters.

Now here is my idea: What if I did send him money because I do want him to win the election, and he spent that money on things like homeless shelters or building bridges or dental care for poor people or fill in the blank? I would send him a lot of money! And what if Obama did the same, and he got a lot of contributions too? Then they both could still boast about how much money they raised, but they could also tell us all the good things they did with that money, and we could vote for them because of how good they are, not how bad they say the other guy is. Plus, the money would be spent on something lasting and of true value, instead of vanishing TV time.

Okay, so there would be some new unemployed ad executives at those advertising agencies. (Hey, they don't call them "Mad Men" for nothing.)  Still, all in all I'd say it would be a win-win for America, wouldn't you?

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Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...