Monday, October 22, 2012

Slap On a Smiley Face

Complain, complain, complain, that's all everyone ever does, certainly me. In fact I could be named the Most Complainy of All Time. Well, I am sick of it; I'm done with complaints, except this one which is essentially a complaint about how much complaining I do. From now on I will focus on all that is good and pure and true in the world, and revel in the glory of the everyday.

For example, I just ate a really delicious piece of toast with some yummy almond butter and a smattering of blueberries. And I may even have a second cup of fresh, steaming, black coffee. It's a beautiful October day here in Maine. I do not at the moment have any disfiguring diseases. I just ate breakfast, as mentioned, so I am not dying of hunger, and since I can walk I'm about to go out for a 45-minute trot about town. I have no real problems; they are all imaginary. So what if it's boring here and there is nothing to do really--at least nobody is breaking down my door or stealing my hubcaps or selling crack on the corner. I'm not sure if anyone still sells crack on any corners anywhere since I live in the boonies and stopped watching SVU a long time ago, but whatever--there are no drug deals going down in my neighborhood.

Let's see, surely there is more. Okay, it is not raining. Oh, I already said it's a beautiful day. And an article in today's Wall Street Journal says that Portland is a great place to live, full of trendy restaurants and art museums and even a symphony. I will not mention how much the symphony sucks and that the last time we attended we actually left at intermission and how the sole art museum is quite tiny and I already know every painting that hangs in each room. Not going there. Well then, I guess I'll just end by saying that happiness is within my grasp, it doesn't just fall from the sky like the weather, you have to go out and find it. As long as I'm still ambulatory with functioning organs, nothing else matters. Have a nice day.

1 comment:

I'm A Racist Now, I Guess

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) I recently got into one of those online pissing matches on Facebook. It began when I joined a comment stream...