Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Glass is Half Full

Finally--something good about getting older! This morning during my annual physical exam, my doctor said that it's way easier to detect breast cancer in older women. (Good news for me, having been older for quite some time already.) He said this while he was actively kneading my two ancient breasts like balls of dough. I suddenly realized it's likely because old breasts are saggier and flabbier than young ones. (Bad news for my husband, but beyond my control.) Dr. Pierce, ever the diplomat, explained that the tissue is "softer" in older women, not necessarily flabby or bad in any way whatsoever, no, no, he meant nothing of the sort, blah, blah, blah. Whatever--he was able to declare unequivocally that my two did not have any lumps, at least not today.

Having an annual physical is a scary thing, but something I do anyway. If I get a clean bill of health like I did this morning-- except of course for the arthritis and the high blood pressure--I can be assured of a good night's sleep for at least a month or so. After that, who knows what could start? With so many body parts, each one getting softer by the minute, there's no telling. But for now, I feel good enough. The best part was when Dr. Pierce said that my particular set of physical ailments are "as common as a penny." I love that! At least something about me is just like everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. This was a gem that made me smile! There is so precious little about you, or any of us, that is just like everyone else!


Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...