Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Three Appalling Things

1. I have gotten married twice, and neither time involved a guest list. Ditto flowers, musicians, caterers or a wedding gown. What's all that stuff got to do with it? Seems to me you need a bride, a groom and some witnesses, perhaps a bottle of champagne or two, and of course the ordained whatever to perform the ceremony. So naturally I am appalled at the spectacle of the upcoming Royal Wedding in England.

2. I never doubted that President Obama was born in this country. In fact, I don't care if he was born in Brooklyn, I still don't like the guy. However, the fact that he presented his birth certificate to the press should have ended the matter. But no: Tonight's CNN news report offered viewers "a look back" at the "media circus" over the "birther issue." They don't get it--they are the media circus! Their lack of insight would be laughable, were it not so appalling.

3. President Obama was not invited to the Royal Wedding because he is not royalty himself, or some such convoluted nonsense. Whatever the reason, the fact that he will not be gassing up three huge jets to attend makes me less appalled to have him as president.


  1. Yes, there are a lot of brides that spend way too much money for a wedding, that doesn't guarantee success. Just as long as I don't have to pay, they can piss money away on it. Can't say that about the royal wedding. I personally like watching it. Better than the other choices like "Dancing with the Stars" or some equally stupid show.

    Obama birth certificate. I think Trump should provide proof that he is human. That would be challenging.

    Obama not invited to the wedding. You get a better view from the comfort of your home television and you can eat what you want. Who in their right mind wants to eat Fruit Cake and spend $80,000 on it. Isn't there enough floating around, that no one has eaten in years, that could have been donated? Plus, I don't know of anything memorable that is "food wise" coming from England. No one will remember the food. Possibly the dress.


  2. GL: You crack me up! The bit about Trump providing proof he is human---too much! (You should do stand-up, I swear.)


Kudos to Trump, Obviously

It hasn't even been one month since Donald Trump took the oath of office, and the Democrats are scrambling around like terrorized ants a...