Friday, April 15, 2011

Real Bears Don't Use Toilet Paper

Certain things simply should not be advertised, and the adult diaper is one of them. (Ditto tampons, sanitary pads, prostate problems--just shut up about them!)  I recently got a glimpse of an Internet ad for those dismal doilies, with the tag line, "Step into color." There, hanging in space like a UFO, was a large, purple diaper big enough for Fred Flintstone.

No offense to all the people out there who are incontinent--and no, that does not mean you have never been to Europe-- but please, that's your problem. Who knows, it may be mine any minute, but you can damn well bet that when and if I need Depends, I won't feel any better about the situation because they now come in colors. No, not at all.

Another is toilet paper. Yes, we all use it and yes, it's a good thing, but do we need to have people explaining that the best brands "keep us clean" while also keeping our hands clean? By the way, in many countries they actually use their hands for that purpose, so there goes that argument. As for those pink and blue toilet paper-using cartoon bears prancing around in the woods--what are we, a nation of morons?


  1. Possibly not morons, but everything has to be in your face. I don't know why they even would use bears in the commercial because, unless you are camping and need to remember to bring toilet paper, don't get it. We are becoming a society of everything is in your face. Not a great move on our part. TV shows, movies, video games are becoming very graphic. I guess it is because we are losing our imagination, that it all has to be in our face. Some of my favorite movies, you see nothing inappropriate and I had to wait 6 hours (was a mini series) before the stars kissed (which was the closing scene). Nothing was lost, still cried.


  2. I've always been so confused by those ads . . . bears dont use TP . . . and no matter how cute they are, I can't imagine that softness really matters to them

    BTW . . your "there goes that argument" . . . LOL

  3. Don't you hate it when animals are anthropormorphized? (given human qualities, you know, like wearing clothes). Maybe the stats showed that people like to watch bears so they used the bear in front of the t.p. ad. Just like they use pretty women to sell beer. and cars. and everything else.
    I would like to be an ad designer. let's see. To sell the toilet paper? I would show it in all the most flattering poses: next to the toilet, in the glove box, in the gym bag, with some really nice music. no talking. just lovely music and toilet paper. in the shopping cart. by the hayfever medicine. what do you think?
    By the time you need Depends, you won't care about the color, that is for sure.

  4. In the glove box? That's a new one for me. Remind me never to go on a long car trip with you.


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