Thursday, April 14, 2011

California Dreamin'

Hey, PR people, here's a news flash: Most regular folks, myself included, do not care who Jenifer Aniston is dating. Truth be told, we don't care if Jenifer Aniston lives the rest of her days as a lonely celibate. We also don't care who was just named what by whom, or which actress is in rehab or what actor went on a drunken tirade.

Usually I ignore these things, even though they are shoved down my throat each time I log on to my computer. But just the other day an item did snag my attention, and was later reinforced on the TV news As If It Matters: Catherine-Zeta Jones, an actress I have never seen perform but who I know is married to Michael Douglas, recently revealed that she "spent time in a mental health facility for an undisclosed problem." Turns out she suffers from bipolar disorder, which is indeed a very serious disorder as disorders go, yet she was cured in just five days. I know several people who have battled that disease for a lifetime, but in less than a week, she's all better!

The next time I'm depressed, I'm going straight to Hollywood.


  1. better living through the way,she is a beautiful and talented actress, especially when she stars with Antonio Banderas...


  2. She is very pretty, but unfortunately, she is not cured. You learn to live with this disorder just like alcoholics, you are never cured from alcoholism, and you learn to deal with it for the rest of your life (stop drinking college kids). However, the drug companies always have an easy "perceived" fix. I call the pharmaceutical companies, drug dealers, but they don't go to jail...shame.


  3. Gabby, I can always count on you to find the kernel inside the nugget of truth buried inside my sometimes inscrutable rambling....thanks!


Kudos to Trump, Obviously

It hasn't even been one month since Donald Trump took the oath of office, and the Democrats are scrambling around like terrorized ants a...