Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Real Donald

He was born in 1934, and although attempts to locate a bona fide birth certificate have failed, that has never stopped anyone from becoming president before and it certainly shouldn't now. Despite the fact that he will be 78 at the start of his administration, he is timeless, ageless and beloved by all on both sides of the aisle. I am talking about the other Donald, the original Donald, the better Donald: Donald Duck.

By all accounts, Donald's dominant personality trait is his short temper, which is an interesting contrast to his positive outlook on life. He begins each day in a happy mood--almost without a care in the world-- until something or someone comes along and rains on his parade. His quick temper has caused him great suffering, and he has often lost competitions because of it. But Donald's aggressive nature is a double-edged sword, and while it sometimes is a handicap, it has also helped him in times of need. When facing a threat, Donald may get frightened and even intimidated, but rather than running away, he gets mad! He has battled ghosts, sharks and mountain goats, always coming out on top; surely he can take on Osama bin Laden, Gadhafi and all those quacks at CNN.

Put some animation into our staid and stuffy political system and vote for The Real Donald in 2012--and remember: The only reason Man is at the top of the evolutionary list is because he wrote the list!


  1. Since most believe the office of the President is a figure head, might as well be a cartoon. Past presidents have been a joke. It appears that most of today's youth believe what they read in FB, Twitter or Fox, and have no social skills, why not? It really is Congress that runs the show and I have a bunch of cartoon people that would fit the bill there. Super Man for the Defense Secretary for one.


  2. You have GOT to be in my Cabinet! Or better yet, how about Press Secretary?


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