Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Remains of the Day

Those nutty 9/11 folks just can't let go. It will be ten years this September --and you can just imagine what will go on to mark that anniversary--since the attacks that shook the world, or at least lower Manhattan, and still the folks who have made this their raison d'etre since then are pissed off that "9,000 human remains are still unidentified or unclaimed."

Remember that while 2,749 people died at the World Trade Center that day, according to the Museum Ethics Panel, which is composed of experts in the field--don't ask what field--"1,123 families have received no remains at all." Imagine!

Not sure how others feel, but if one of my loved ones died that day, I doubt that learning his or her thumb or ear or femur or whatever has been identified ten years later in that big box of remains is going to make my day. I say move on already--dead is dead, what's the obsession with saving all those blown-to-smithereens body parts?

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