Saturday, July 6, 2024

Telling It Like It Is

The Inner Joe Biden
It's shocking how often worn-out euphemisms are used in public discourse by the people ostensibly in power who allegedly know and speak "the truth." Nobody, certainly not anyone in the media who doesn't work for FOX News, comes even close to truth. So I was surprised when George Stephanopoulos, a network news stooge who has openly aligned himself with Democrats since his earliest days on the scene, grilled Joe Biden in a televised interview about his capacity to serve as president. In fact, Stephanopoulos was like a pit bull chomping down on a toddler; he was not about to lose his prize, which in this case would be his own waning career. 

Still, even though he repeatedly asked Biden if he was fit to hold the highest office in the land, he never went in for the kill. He didn't say what I would have said given the chance, which is, "Oh please, everyone wants you out! Just quit already and stay home in your jammies watching reruns of Gilligan's Island!" (This is probably why I don't have a career in journalism.)

"I don’t think anybody’s more qualified to be president or win this race than me." -- Joe Biden

I am not one to use euphemisms. In my mind, "a woman's right to choose" is actually "murdering unborn babies." Joe Biden is not "having lapses of memory," he is "losing his mind." He also is losing his grip on reality, which is the only way to explain his ridiculous statement in the interview that he is the most qualified person to lead our country! Come on, man! The truth is, almost anyone could do a better job than Joe, with the possible exception of Kamala Harris.

How come nobody ever says that? 

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