Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Poor Old Joe

It's obvious that the malicious Democrats now running the country don't give a hoot about Joe Biden. This includes his wife, the evil Doctor Jill, currently posing on the cover of Vogue as if all is well. 

If any one of them actually did care about him, that poor old man would have been safe at home, tucked into a comfy rocker sipping cocoa in a fleecy bathrobe and slippers instead of standing at a podium, slack-jawed under hot lights, trying hard to sort out the jumble of facts that had been crammed into his addled brain by the cabal* of power-hungry politicians eager to maintain their tenacious grip on the presidency.

* A cabal is a group of people who are united in some close design, usually to promote their private views or interests in an ideology, a state, or another community, often by intrigue and usually without the knowledge of those who are outside their group.

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A Fine Kettle of Fish

Republicans are sane, for the most part, whereas Democrats on the whole are out of their gourds, oblivious to facts, and worst of all, racis...