Monday, July 8, 2024

Biden's Willing Executioners

Today's post title was inspired by a 1996 book entitled "Hitler's Willing Executioners" by Daniel Goldhagen. The author makes the case that Hitler did not act alone but was aided and abetted by ordinary German citizens and the entire German military establishment under his rule. Certainly Adolf was not working in the showers, turning on the gas, or driving the trains that carried the Jews to the various death camps. To pull off such an undertaking he needed a lot of help!

Susan Rice and Joe Biden, showing us how it is.
In much the same way, Joe Biden is not alone in the grand deception that he is physically capable and cogent enough to be running our country, which coincidentally is losing its reputation as the most powerful and most respected nation in the world. To quote Hillary Clinton, and who ever thought I would  do that with a straight face, "It takes a village!" Of course she was talking about raising children, and she was right. But it applies as well to running the enterprise known as Joe Biden, a shell of a man who, without instructions from his wife and his convicted felon son, would hardly be able to shuffle out of the White House residence in street clothes and hard shoes, let alone know where to go and what to say.

For that he needs handlers like Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Kamala Harris and a team of speechwriters to prop him up, concealing his true condition from the public in order to keep their cushy jobs, or worse -- face retribution should they dare to leak the truth. The very worst of these is his Press Secretary, Karine something something -- more easily called KJP. Once a week she faces an army of reporters seeking honest answers and instead supplies them with platitudes, half-truths and just plain evasion. To be blunt, it's sickening. Two years ago her salary was $185,000 and is likely more now, but that hardly seems worth it to lie to the whole world on a regular basis. I'd want at least a million and an escape plan for when all hell breaks loose.

As for Dr. Jill, she shouted at a televised campaign rally earlier today that, "Every morning, Joe wakes up ready to serve Americans!" Yes, Jill, we know, but what is he serving? (If you guessed "a crock of shit," you were right.)

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