Sunday, January 31, 2021

Don't Say This

The other day I went to our local convenience store and couldn't find any Eskimo Pies, my favorite chocolate-covered ice cream bar I keep on hand for emergencies like Biden winning the election during a global pandemic. As you might imagine, I'm clean out. To my chagrin, I was told they no longer carry them because they are considered racist. 

Really, that's what the guy said, although his neck tattoo of Bugs Bunny with a clenched fist made me doubt he really knew what he was talking about. So I tried somewhere else and was told that the product had been discontinued because of the word Eskimo, and would return soon with the moniker "Edy's Pies." Turns out Eskimo is on the list of inappropriate and racially-charged words; now you have to call those people "Inuits." So why not "Inuit Pies?" Just asking.

Clearly this whole minorities-getting-offended thing is out of control. In fact, you can't even say "minority" anymore; now it's "majority-minority" because "minority" sounds like they are "minor," and Lord knows they are anything but these days. In fact, they make all the rules. 

It's making me crazy. I just wish I could write a book about it but it would never get published. I do have the opening paragraph, however:

"The midget gypsy -- they called him Shorty -- worked on a plantation owned by a family of fat Caucasians who only hired minorities. Being crippled, not to mention retarded, it was hard for him to get much done, so he asked his friend, a homosexual Eskimo, to help. The problem was that he was hearing impaired, so often missed much of what Shorty said. That's when he turned to his Indian friend, a colored tranny with a big dick and giant boobs, for assistance."

Not sure how it will ever get published, but it should be amusing to write.


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Good Luck Donald!

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