Monday, September 3, 2012

Take Me Out to (Eat At) the Ball Game

This afternoon, to celebrate Labor Day, my husband and I went to a Sea Dogs baseball game in Portland. Somebody gave him tickets. It was perfect baseball weather, and the seats were great, right behind home plate.  Several things distracted me from the game that was being played on the field, but since it was just the Minor Leagues, hardly anyone was hitting anything so it didn't matter much. Here's what did:

     1. There are some very fat people here in the state of Maine, and apparently more than a few of them are partial to baseball. What was interesting was to see what they were eating. The true fatties were into French fries--big, overflowing buckets of them. The next popular choice seemed to be elaborate ice cream sundaes with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, served in upside-down-baseball-cap-shaped red plastic dishes. (Seemed like a distracting choice to make on a hot, sunny day when you're sitting in the bleachers supposedly watching a ball game, but that's just me.) Also available were hot dogs, beer, pizza, sodas and popcorn. The less fat but still fat folks seemed to opt for pizza, while the thin people ate--big surprise--nothing.
      2. There were actual TV commercials during the game! These appeared on a large screen whenever the teams changed who was up at bat, and of course again between innings.
      3. Each new inning was "brought to you" by a different local advertiser.
     4. A giant L. L. Bean Boot atop one wall reminded us of just where we were.
     5. The Sea Dogs lost, proving the second half of their name to be quite accurate.

It was certainly no Orioles at Camden Yards, but at least I wasn't worried the whole time that our car was being vandalized in the parking lot.

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