Monday, August 19, 2024

Understanding Democrat Voters

Well, this has turned out to be a great day for me, and I've only been awake for an hour or so. I watched a video online that completely answered my question about how an obviously ill-equipped person like Kamala Harris can become the president of the United States, which I sadly believe to be the outcome of the upcoming "election." 

It's this: Roughly half the citizens of the US are intellectually impaired. As Joseph de Maistre -- a philosopher, writer and diplomat in the period immediately after the French Revolution -- said sometime around 1800, "Every nation gets the government it deserves." (That quote has also been attributed to Alexander Hamilton, proving that plagiarism goes back a long way and that Joe Biden is in good company.)

So how did I get so smart this morning? Back to that Reel I watched. It was a cooking video posted by an attractive 40-ish woman with a strong southern accent, y'all, who looked perfectly normal standing in her typical suburban kitchen. Her recipe was named "The Best Summer Salad" and contained the following ingredients:

4 full-size Snickers candy bars, cut into bit-size pieces.

6 Granny Smith apples, diced, skin on

1 3.5 oz. box of Jell-O vanilla pudding

1 large container Cool Whip

3/4 Cup whole milk

3/4 Cup caramel sauce

Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!

Most alarming were the comments following the video. Where I expected to see a lot of  "You must be kidding!" and "That looks gross!" and vomiting emoji's, instead I found statements like this: "Looks delicious!" and, "I make that all the time, my kids love it!" and, "Here in the Midwest, that's our favorite salad."

I can only imagine what happens to your brain if you grow up eating like that. And those people vote too.

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