Thursday, July 4, 2024

A Fine Kettle of Fish

Republicans are sane, for the most part, whereas Democrats on the whole are out of their gourds, oblivious to facts, and worst of all, racists. They chose a Vice President based on her skin color and not her character, which is the EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. SAID TO DO! And now they are in a tizzy, dither and flap, having conniption fits over the horrifying reality that if Joe Biden quits or dies in his sleep or trips over his own feet or falls into a sinkhole or whatever, they will be faced with Kamala Harris, a hapless ninny, as the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD!



Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Come On, Man!

Apparently Joe Biden's handlers don't know the cardinal rule about lying: ONLY GIVE ONE EXCUSE! Any more and obviously you are groping for something that might stick. 

After his poor debate performance last week, they simply should have said, "He is an old man with a failing memory and can't put a sentence together without a teleprompter." We all would have believed that one. But instead, they came up with the following list which they use whenever the spirit moves them:

"He had a cold." (The kind where there's no sniffling, coughing, sneezing, runny nose or nasal quality to one's voice, and it's gone the next day, leaving you with a Florida tan.)

"He had a grueling travel schedule." (He flew to and from Europe 11 days earlier and still had jet lag.)

"He was over-rehearsed." (So he forgot everything because his brain was too full.)

"He had a bad night." (That one was evidently true.)

Come on, man -- everyone knows that if you want to be President, you gotta know how to lie convincingly. It's the very basis of all politics. Jeesh!

Crazy Mixed-up Robots

I read a story online about Biden's mental infirmity and how it might hinder his chances of being re-elected. Naturally the comments following it were heated. One was a lengthy diatribe against Donald Trump, claiming that Biden was perfectly fine and needed to save us from "the end of Democracy," which every liberal must repeat at least once a day or else they will be murdered in their sleep by a member of the Clinton death squad.

Anyway, that comment blew my mind and I wrote, aiming for helpful rather than vengeful, "You need help, get some therapy." The bot rejected my comment deeming it counter to the rules of civil discourse and suggesting I edit the offensive message. So I wrote what I really thought, which was, "You are a crazy lunatic asshole."

That comment was accepted and remains. So I'm wondering who is teaching those robots what's okay and what isn't.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Poor Old Joe

It's obvious that the malicious Democrats now running the country don't give a hoot about Joe Biden. This includes his wife, the evil Doctor Jill, currently posing on the cover of Vogue as if all is well. 

If any one of them actually did care about him, that poor old man would have been safe at home, tucked into a comfy rocker sipping cocoa in a fleecy bathrobe and slippers instead of standing at a podium, slack-jawed under hot lights, trying hard to sort out the jumble of facts that had been crammed into his addled brain by the cabal* of power-hungry politicians eager to maintain their tenacious grip on the presidency.

* A cabal is a group of people who are united in some close design, usually to promote their private views or interests in an ideology, a state, or another community, often by intrigue and usually without the knowledge of those who are outside their group.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Don't Blame It On Aging

A shrinking brain is never good.
Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both giving aging a bad name. And as a physically fit 78-year-old still in possession of all my marbles -- and possibly a few extra -- I don't like it one bit. Trump may be mentally very sharp but sadly, like too many older Americans he is obese, while Biden is scaring young people by making them think he's a normal 81-year-old who happens to occasionally stutter. He definitely is not that.

Biden's problem isn't his advancing age, it's his retreating brain. In fact, Alzheimer's doesn't care how old you are -- my own mother first showed signs of it at age 57 and died at 62. We have been lied to about his condition by all of Biden's protectors, including his family and most egregiously the liberal media. Someone has got to tell Joe, "Come on, man -- we all saw the debate! You're out of it, at least some of the time, and being president means you're on call all of the time." (The silliest lie is that Joe is brilliant between the hours of 10am and 4pm. The horror of 9/11 began at 8:14am -- uh oh, should we wake Joe or not?)

The truth is that many, if not most, of Joe's peers are mentally fit 24/7. My friend Ron H. is 87 and except for slight hearing loss shows no signs of slowing down, is not an ounce overweight, and undertakes construction projects on his property that many far younger men would not even attempt. Another friend, John C., who will turn 90 in a few months, has some back issues but is up to speed intellectually; I'd certainly trust him with the nuclear codes, which is not something I can say about Biden. Then there's Harrison Ford, 81, who needs no introduction and is still entertaining us on film, as is June Squibb, a great actress who at 94 has the title role in "Thelma," currently showing in theaters, and she doesn't play an old lady.

So the issue is not that Joe is old, it's that he has dementia. Oh, and he lies and is a crook, but that's another post.

A Fine Kettle of Fish

Republicans are sane, for the most part, whereas Democrats on the whole are out of their gourds, oblivious to facts, and worst of all, racis...