Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Next Trump Case Has Alvin Bragg Salivating

So many felonies, so little time! Donald Trump is a bottomless gold mine of criminality according to the cold-hearted, dead inside Democrats who are gleefully celebrating the prospect of his long hoped-for time behind bars. Orange Man in orange jumpsuit, yippeee! Surely he must have jaywalked thousands of times in Manhattan; that's about another couple of hundred felonies right there. That should keep New York's first black District Attorney Alvin Bragg busy enough to miss a few trips to those all-you-can-eat buffets he so obviously frequents. 

Even better, now Bragg's got his eye on a rape charge against Trump stemming from years ago. "Oink, oink," was all the pudgy Bragg would say between bites at a recent pancake breakfast. What's really confounding is that Bill Clinton was never tried for rape, although accused by a very credible victim (Juanita Broaddrick) who never wavered from her story and gave minute details. But hey, Bill Clinton's sex life is his own business, said the Dems; Trump is different. How is that again? Oh yes, he's a Republican.

Stay tuned. It's better than any Netflix series because it's free!

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