Saturday, April 1, 2023

Pumping Meaning Into Empty Lives

Today's young people are clearly nuts. They poke giant holes in their earlobes, hang snot rings from their nostrils, cover their skin with colored ink, dye their hair insane colors, lop off their breasts and mutilate their own genitals, all in the name of rebellion.  

Sure, young people have always rebelled against the generations preceding them. But this is different; today's youth seem to be missing some vital brain chemicals necessary for self-preservation, possibly from taking too many Chinese-factory-made drugs or drinking one too many chai-kale-chia-banana-tofu-whey smoothies. Whatever it is, I'm glad I don't have to contend with any of them in person. The closest I get is my son's girlfriend's tattoos and nose ring which I try to glaze over. (Luckily she is quite pretty so I focus on that.)

I am 76 so you can chalk it up to age if it makes you feel better than believing our young people are all cuckoo. But I just read an article about a woman who "pumped her breast milk four or five times during a Taylor Swift concert, dedicating the milk to Taylor," so you tell me. Does that mean she will give the milk to Taylor, or what? How do you "dedicate" a liquid to someone? If I find out, next time I pee I'm going to dedicate it to Freddie Mercury. After all, you're never too old to try something new.

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