Saturday, April 22, 2023

Krazy Kollege Kourses

In case you didn't already know, college is a very expensive joke. I first realized this in 2008 when a close friend of my son told me he was thrilled to have gotten into a very popular course at the University of Vermont called "History of Motown." (No, he is not a musician.) 

I was shocked that an institute of so-called "higher learning" would offer such nonsense, until this morning when I read that science students at the University of Oregon recently completed a study proving that worms that have been fed cannabis get the munchies. But wait -- there's more. The following courses are currently being taught at these fine institutions:

Cornell University: Tree Climbing

Montclair University: How to Watch Television

University of California, Santa Clara: History of Surfing

Oberlin College: How to Win a Beauty Pageant

University of Iowa: The American Vacation

Alfred University: Maple Syrup, the Real Thing

Emerson College: Deconstructing TV's Buffy

Skidmore College: The Sociology of Miley Cyrus

Perhaps consider a gap year? Or four?

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