Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Say It Ain't So, Joe

It's mind-blowing to me that Joe Biden is seeking a second term as president, dragging along his joke of a VP, Kamala Harris, and nobody in the Democratic Party is stopping them. Are we to conclude that, after careful consideration, it has been determined that absolutely nobody else in the Democratic party -- no senator, no congressman, no governor -- is better qualified to fill those roles than an elderly, half-demented, sputtering, stuttering lifelong loser with obvious criminal activities in his past and a cackling simpleton who can barely make sense but happens to be brown-skinned and female? Are those two clowns really their "best and brightest"? 

If so, it's little wonder that so many kids are on antidepressants, or commit suicide, or take drugs or shoot up schools, and each other, these days. 

When I was a teen I had JFK to look up to. He appeared as a knight in shining armor, his now legendary flaws hidden from the public back then. I felt safe and protected, secure that I lived in the greatest country in the world. Today's teens see a cranky old coot -- 82 if he wins in 2024 -- running things, supposedly, although the sharpest among them must have figured out Joe's just a puppet of some nefarious, behind-the-scenes cabal of organizers (see photo), and off they go looking for another hit of oxycontin.

If there is a God that cares about the United States, He will figure out a way to divert Joe's path to the nearest glue factory before the next election. If not, things will just go from bad to worse in America, as if they could they get any worse. 

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