Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Don't Believe the Internet

Tiffany lamp valued at $28,000
"No matter how you try to spin it, Tiffany lamps make a room look dated and out-of-touch." So says a nameless writer on one of those anti-baby boomer websites spouting nonsense about how certain decorating styles make you look old, and who ever wants to look old, unless you're under 18 and trying to buy beer? 

Thus you are advised to throw out all shag rugs, never again put up wallpaper and if you have any, rip it down, avoid matching curtains to bedspreads, forget throw pillows altogether and, worst of all, never own a large leather couch. Apparently they scream old age or a psychiatrist's office, even though I wish I could afford one because they're beautiful and so comfy. Besides, who doesn't love a shrink?

But the sage advice I found most laughable was found in my opening sentence about Tiffany lamps. What they really indicate is that either you or your parents are very rich and you may be sitting on a gold mine. From Wikipedia:

"Tiffany lamps' value can be anywhere from $4,000 to over $1 million. The most expensive Tiffany lamps sell for upwards of $1 million. The highest price ever paid for a Tiffany lamp remains $2.8 million at a Christie's auction in 1997."

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