Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Poor Halle Berry

Twenty-one years ago she received the Oscar for Best Actress, and since then it's all been downhill for Halle Berry. But in an effort to show us that it's not all been downhill, and to stay current and get back in the news, the 56-year-old posted a nude photo of herself on Twitter, sipping wine on a balcony.

Well, she got what she wanted. I read a story about it today online, with fans and haters alike commenting that she's too old for such nonsense. The stunt was then picked up by many news outlets. So, since I fancy myself a news outlet I am showing it here. (See photo above.)

As you can plainly see, you can't plainly see anything. I'd call it "Nude Sipping Wine Hiding Behind Wrought Iron Grillwork and Greenery; Possible Pubic Hair."

Come on Halle, don't be such a tease -- show us what you got! Or don't. But don't say you did when you didn't.

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