Monday, April 24, 2023

Slouching Towards Jerusalem

"Demonstrations could happen anywhere in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Violence is common around religious and commemoration events and following political developments. Particularly in and around the Old City in Jerusalem. Avoid demonstrations."

Israeli hot sauce
The statements above are taken verbatim from a website concerning travel to Israel at this time. Since I am scheduled to visit that country for a span of two weeks beginning on May 12, I am naturally apprehensive. My husband says not to worry. That's a joke, since everyone knows I worry about everything, ranging from an infected hangnail to getting blown to smithereens in the middle of an Israeli market, or possibly in our lovely Airbnb apartment located in the Old City in Jerusalem.

We are going despite the risks since apparently they have fabulous hummus and halvah in many flavors not available in the U.S. Also, my husband loves the hot "red sauce" they put on their falafel and is willing to risk his own life and that of his wife and son to enjoy some again, even though the recipe is available online and I would happily make it at home and remain alive.

I don't even like falafel.

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