Sunday, January 6, 2019

Liberal Logic

Five years before Donald Trump ran for president he was secretly recorded boasting to a TV talk-show host that when you're a star like him, women "let you grab them by the pussy." Liberal logic has changed this to Trump saying he actually had grabbed a woman by the pussy, and without her consent.

Similarly, a woman accused Judge Brett Kavanuagh of drunkenly groping her at a teen party 30 years ago. None of her clothes were removed before she ran out of the room. Despite the lack proof that this event ever happened, today's dutiful liberal repeats the mantra, "We now have a rapist on the Supreme Court," as often as possible.

This is like me telling someone, "They allow 72-year-old women to zip-line across the Grand Canyon," and having them conclude that I have done so.

I haven't. And won't.

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