Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Cuomo's Costanza Defense

Governor Cuomo relaxing in his office?

One of my favorite episodes of Seinfeld involved George Costanza, Jerry's hapless sidekick, having sex with an office cleaning lady on his desk, after hours of course. When confronted about this the next day by his boss, George laments, "Was that wrong? Because if anyone had told me that was wrong, I wouldn't have done it."

This came to my mind watching Governor Andrew Cuomo's resignation speech yesterday, during which he never once mentioned the real reason he was resigning. Instead he claimed that recent events had become a distraction and that in his mind, he had never once "crossed the line." It was just that he hadn't realized "to what extent the line has been redrawn."

As if closing his office door and trapping a female employee therein, then putting his hand under her blouse and cupping her breast despite her protesting, or rubbing the buttocks of another employee during a photo shoot, were ever considered okay. Surely, we are to understand, if he had known that behavior was wrong he wouldn't have done it.

I'm guessing the former governor was a Seinfeld fan.

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