Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Human Comedy Isn't Funny

Everyone I know is busy yapping about impeachment and Bernie vs. Warren, but I'm in my own private hell. Trump in or Trump out, I still have to paint my bedroom. We've narrowed it down to Rami, Birdseye Maple or Shiitake, but honestly I'm not wild about any of them. Don't laugh -- the color of my bedroom walls is much more of a problem to me than what happens on Capitol Hill. (Those walls will definitely be around a lot longer than the current political uproar.)

I also care more about the spreading Chinese Wuhan virus morphing into a menace that may threaten the globe if left unchecked. And about people everywhere going crazy: A guy in Southern California admitted to purposely ramming his car into a Prius carrying six teenage boys. It hit a tree and three of the boys died. (A climate-change denier after the Prius?) Another guy in Kansas City, Missouri shot up a line of people waiting to get inside a bar. Final tally: One dead, 15 injured.

There's so much more. Somewhere a child has just been diagnosed with cancer. Thousands are hungry. Barefoot orphans wander the streets of war-ravaged cities, in search of love and nurturing. Animals are being burned alive in Australia's fires. And still Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and that hideous comedy team of Nadler & Schiff think if they could just kick Trump out of office, everything would be great.

I guess if you look at it in a certain light, that is funny.

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Good Luck Donald!

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