Thursday, November 7, 2019

Aging Disgracefully

I just saw a picture on Facebook of a friend from high school who had a facelift. Naturally she looks fabulous and a lot younger than I do. All the comments are about how great she looks. Nobody mentions why, including her. That's stupid; do people think she sold her soul to the Devil, or maybe started some new kind of juice fast or diet regimen?

Despite the transparent duplicity, I'm jealous. My husband says I can have one any time I want. This is his way of saying I am turning into an old bag and he's willing to pay dearly for it to cease. Since he's 11 years younger than me, one can sympathize.

But I can't do it. Not only could I die during surgery, and what a dumb way to go, but it seems so frivolous, especially since my own sister is gravely ill in the hospital after having her entire colon removed in a midnight emergency surgery.

I guess I'll just have to shrivel, wrinkle and wither until the end. Although that rubber cement idea isn't half bad. (See illustration)

1 comment:

  1. Look into other ways to feel better about your looks, you can add glitter strands to your hair lol called angel hair, these woman tie a strand to a single strand of hair all over your head lol


Good Luck Donald!

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