Thursday, May 31, 2018

The New Nazis

Political correctness has run amok. These days, if you like Donald Trump, or even if you just don't hate him, and also feel a dollop of respect for Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy, Nikki Haley and any of the dozens of well-meaning, intelligent, dedicated Republican officeholders who serve our country daily, you suck and so does your whole family, at least according to the mainstream media. And if you're a fan of Rush Limbaugh and think Ann Coulter is smart and funny, you are a worthless piece of trash. Welcome to America, Land of the Free (if you vote Democratic).

For anyone who loved (and still loves) George W. Bush and thinks Nancy Pelosi is a two-faced lying scoundrel, it's a dangerous world out there. Things have gotten so bad that any day now all Republicans will be forced to wear armbands emblazoned with a giant "R" when they go out in public. That is, for as long as they are allowed out in public -- no telling when that will be prohibited.

But before that happens, they'll all have to stop talking or suffer the consequences. Just look what happened to Roseanne! They might as well shoot her and put her out of her misery since the Watchers have cut off all sources of her income and made her a social pariah for tweeting an insensitive wisecrack about a Democrat, while liberal comics (Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Wanda Sykes) who have publicly called President Trump an ape have gotten only laughs and high-fives. Oh well, I guess she can always hang out with Garrison Keillor, another brilliant performer whose career was eradicated because, at the age of 75 he put his hand on the bare back of a young woman during a photo-op. Now every episode of his superlative "Tales From Lake Woebegone" has been erased from all digital platforms, a true loss to future generations interested in what small-town life was like before they were born. (In one word: Better.)

Imagine if down the line some enterprising reporter who goes by the moniker "Unnamed Source" discovers that Michelangelo, the great Italian artist who lived during the High Renaissance (1475-1564), was a racist who hated Jews and was given to fondling young boys inappropriately. Would the Pope order the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to be whitewashed? Perhaps, if he's a bleeding heart liberal who believes great works created by flawed artists must be obliterated, lest they contaminate all of us with their...... with their what?

1 comment:

  1. How can legitimate ART be censored??? It is so scary! If they don’t want to produce her show anymore that is their choice (however dumb) as a free business. But to erase a record of art already produced and appreciated and which has nothing to do with the offense ... well ... it is just like book burning


Good Luck Donald!

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the return of Donald Trump to the White House is pretty amazing, all the more so because ...