Thursday, May 3, 2018

Fat But Healthy

If Mona Lisa, who lived in Florence, had lived in Venice....
Several years ago I visited Florence, Italy and did not like the pizza there at all. I tried it once on my entire trip and that was enough. But here in Venice it's a different story altogether: There's a pizza joint on every corner (and several more mid-block), and they're all fabulous, which explains why everywhere you look, someone's eating pizza. The fact that it's not mealtime or you're not really hungry seems not to be a factor in stopping for a slice.

I've still got three days to go and I'm already wondering what I can wear on the trip home since none of the clothes I brought will fit me by then. The good news is that studies in Italy have shown that frequent pizza eaters have a relatively low incidence of cardiovascular disease and digestive tract cancers as compared with infrequent pizza eaters. Apparently there is a God after all.

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