Friday, June 1, 2018

Does Free Speech Include Saying Cunt?

Night before last, a second-string comic who is not even American and not even funny called Ivanka Trump, the president's gracious daughter and mother of three, "a cunt" on her national late-night TV show. And worse, she called her a feckless cunt, as if there are perfectly good cunts out there. (Feckless means worthless and irresponsible.)

She has since apologized. She was not fired, and in fact the very next day received an award for her show on the Turner cable network, unlike Roseanne Barr who was sent straight to bed without dinner and woke up to find all her toys gone and no friends to play with after she implied that a woman of African-American descent is either a Muslim or an ape, possibly both. The unequal treatment of the two comics is because the cunt-sayer, who goes by the name of Samantha Bee, is a liberal, and apparently anything They do or say is acceptable.

A liberal can get away with calling the president of our country an orangutan, the ape of choice used to describe him because of his supposedly "orange" hair, and many of them have, since most of them mimic whatever others of their ilk say and do. (To be a Democrat is to be a thoughtless clone, excepting for my son, my nephew Keith and my friends Ira, Mike, Patsy and Tony, all of whom actually think for themselves).

I'm wondering why all the reporting of this recent incident says that Ms. Bee used the "C-word" rather than writing out the word cunt, when she actually said the word on TV. I also wonder what size firestorm would have broken out had a conservative pundit, like say Ann Coulter, called Chelsea Clinton a cunt. (Oy, oy, oy -- just imagine!) But wait, there's more: A few weeks ago, another who-the-hell-is-she comic made ugly jabs at Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the president's press secretary, during a fancy dinner attended by members of the media, and she immediately became the darling of the CNN-MSNBC crowd.

Come on people, wake up and smell the inequality! And by the way, I like Sarah Sanders a lot, think she does a great job, and find her quite pretty in an offbeat way. So there.

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